1st European Dermato-Epidemiology Network Forum
with pre-course on skin cancer epidemiology
March 30 –31, 2017
Venue: Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Madrid, Calle de Santa Isabel, Madrid, Spain
Download the EDEN-Final-Program
Downolad the EDEN abstract book: Eden Abstracts book 2017
See the materials of the forum in the page Materials
Dear dermatoepidemiologists and dermatology clinical researchers,
The European Dermatoepidemiology Network (EDEN), a group of enthusiasts with a specific interest in the epidemiology of skin diseases, has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. We held 6 joint meetings with our American colleagues every 4 years (International Dermatoepidemiology Network meetings). These meetings will continue, but with major increases in research focus in dermatoepidemiology, there is now a need to have an annual European meeting with a focus on epidemiology related to dermatology, clinical research and methodology. With that aim, we have organized the inaugural EDEN Forum in Madrid in March 2017, expanding our previous meetings in combination with the American Dermatoepidemiology Network. We hope that this annual congress can become the meeting to discuss new methods and results and a place to network with colleagues that share our interests in dermatoepidemiology, including clinical epidemiology, intervention studies and trials, prevention, and health services research. We would like to attract dermatoepidemiologists and dermatology clinical researchers at all stages in their careers. We have thus organized a meeting that is interesting for everyone: from young researchers to highly experienced ones. We will have top speakers and would love to have your best research presented here. As in other previous EDEN meetings, we aim to offer high value to participants, at a fair cost and without industry support. The logistic support of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology was key to be able to succeed in this endeavour. Given that this is the first EDEN Forum, we had no clear idea of the expected attendance. The meeting therefore has limited capacity, with registration of participants on a first-come first-served basis. If you don´t want to miss out on the opportunity to attend, please register soon. Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid,
On behalf of the organizing committee, Ignacio García-Doval, Sinéad M Langan, Miguel Angel Descalzo, Sigrún A. J. Schmidt, Tamar Nijsten, and Loes M. Zandwijk – Hollestein |